Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bahan Ajar Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA kellas XI

 Berikut ini adalah contoh Bahan Ajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris untuk SMA kelas XI.
menfaatkan dengan bijak yaa....

Sekolah                                   : SMA Negeri 1 Comal
Mata pelajaran                      : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester                     : XI / 1
Waktu                                    : 2 x 45 menit
Materi                                     : Reading
Teks Pembelajaran               : Analytical Exposition Text
Pertemuan                             : Ke - 3

A. Building Knowledge of the Field

Activity 1
-        Menanyakan kepada siswa “what do you think about English skill?”
-        Mengaitkan jawaban siswa dengan materi yang akan dibahas.

B. Text Modeling

Text 1:

Why is Learning English Important?
            Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English.
            Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Futhermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in daily comunication.
            Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technic will include many countries in economic, social and politics developement.
            Finaly, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more favourable than ones who do not.
            The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era.

Langkah Retorika
Contoh Teks
Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English.
Argument 1
Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Futhermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in daily comunication.
Argument 2
Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technic will include many countries in economic, social and politics developement.
Argument 3
Finaly, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more favourable than ones who do not.
The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era.

C. Joint Construction of Text
Activity 1
Complete the following text with suitable answer that provided!
Easy                Information                 Desk                Modern
       Secondly                     Shopping              Students
Laptop             Because                       Study

Students Need Laptop
        Conventionally,     1     need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
        First,     2      schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge     3     the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every students'     4    , this method will help student to get better understanding.
     5      , finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive      6     . The best is that the shop has service of online      7     . The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, then complete the transaction. After that the        8     will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really      9     and save time and money.
From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their     10    . Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provide several
laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need.


D. Independent Construction of Text
Students Need Laptop
        Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
        First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every students' desk, this method will help student to get better understanding.
        Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and money.
        From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provide several
laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need.

Decide whether the statement is TRUE ( T ) or FALSE ( F ) based on the Text above!
1.      ( T – F ) Students needn’t book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff.
2.      ( T – F ) Having mobile computer is absolutely unuseful for students who want to catch        the best result for their study
3.      ( T – F ) Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price
4.      ( T – F )  If there is a laptop on every students' desk, it will help student to get better       understanding
5.      ( T – F ) In this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive             development

naaaah, yang diatas adalah contoh bahan ajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris SMA kelas XI
semoga bermanfaat.......
jangan lupa tinggalkan like atau comment eaaa. okay....?
thank you for visiting my blog..... :)

Friday, December 27, 2013

contoh narrative text

Ande-Ande Lumut

            Long time ago, there was a young man. His name was Ande – ande lumut. Ande – ande lumut was a young man. He was very handsome and he was very kind to the people in the village. Ande-ande lumut lived in a village near a forest. He was very sad Because his wife was lost in the middle of the forest. One day he want to find his wife who lost. Then he went to a village.

            In another village there was a widow.She had three daughters. They were kelinting kuning, kelinting merah, and kelinting hijau. The widow lived together with his daughters in a big house.But Kelenting merah and Kelenting Hijau were not friends with Kelenting Kuning.They hated Kelenting Kuning because she was very beautiful. Also kelinting kuning had a beautiful smile. Actually, Kelenting Kuning was a step daughter of the widow.

            One day Ande-ande Lumut arrived at their village.Kelinting merah and kelinting hijau loved ande-ande lumut But ande-ande Lumut didn’t love them. Ande-ande lumut loved kelinting kuning Because Kelenting Kuning was very kind to Ande-Ande Lumut. Actually Kelentin Kuning was the lost wife of Ande-Ande Lumut. Finally ande-ande lumut and kelinting kuning Went home in the village and they were happy forever.

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hai semua.....
hmmmm... dah ah, tanpa basa-basi, di postingan kali ini, aku pengen bantu para blogger pemula kaya aku yang pengen bikin pointernya indah dengan bertabur bintang.
InsyaAllah berhasil. karena sudah dipraktikan sendiri sama penulis.
simak baik-baik kemudian praktikan eaaa... 

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dah, gitu doang kog.... simpel kan...?
semoga bermanfaat yaaah.....
terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke Hikha'z blog.... tinggalkan Like and comment eaaa..... :)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

RPP Bahasa Inggris tentang analytical exposition text

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

SMA                           : SMA N 1 Comal
Mata Pelajaran          : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester          : XI / 1
Alokasi Waktu           : 2 x 45 menit
Skill                             : Reading
Teks Pembelajaran   : Analytical Exposition Text
Pertemuan                 : K - 3

Standar Kompetensi :
5        Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

Kompetensi Dasar     :
5.2     Merespon makna dalam teks Analytical Exposition resmi dan dan tidak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Indikator                    :
a.       Mengidentifikasi topik dari teks analytical exposition yang dibaca.
b.      Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek Analytical exposition .

A.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran, 75% siswa mampu untuk :
a.       Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retrorika dari teks analytical exposition
b.      Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek Analytical exposition.

B.     Materi Pembelajaran

Analytical Exposition
v  Definition of Analytical Exposition Text
              Analytical Exposition is a kind of text that presents one side of an issue in a form of arguments.
v  Social function of Analytical Exposition Text.
              The purpose of the analytical exposition text is to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case.
v  Generic structure
a. Thesis               : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer’s position;
                               Outlines of the arguments are presented.
b. Arguments       : It consists about Point and Elaboration
ü  Point, states the main argument
ü  Elaboration, develops and supports each point of argument
c.Reiteration         : Conclusion (restatement), restates speaker or writer’s position.

v  Language Features
ü  Focus on generic human or non-human participants.
ü  Use of simple present tense
ü  Reasoning through causal conjunction or nominalization (in addition,         
§  furthermore, firstly, thirdly, finally)
ü  Relational processes, seperti to be (is, am, are), dan has / have.
o   Misalnya :
-          Food is something that can make us full.

1.      Paragraph,
Why is Learning English Important?
            Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English.
            Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Futhermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in daily comunication.
            Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technic will include many countries in economic, social and politics developement.
            Finaly, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more favourable than ones who do not.
            The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era.

misalnya :
2.      Contoh teks Analytical exposition dan langkah retorika.
Langkah Retorika
Contoh Teks
Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English.
Argument 1
Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Futhermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in daily comunication.
Argument 2
Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technic will include many countries in economic, social and politics developement.
Argument 3
Finaly, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more favourable than ones who do not.
The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era.

C.    Metode Pembelajaran
a.       Ceramah / penjelasan
b.      GTM (Grammar Translation Method)
c.       Tugas berpasangan & Individu

D.    Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a.       Kegiatan Awal (10’)
-   Memberikan salam / menyapa siswa pada awal masuk kelas
-   Mengecek kehadiran siswa
-   Menanyakan kepada siswa seberapa pentingkah penguasaan Bahasa Inggris.
-   Menanyakan dampak – dampak positif yang bisa didapat jika seseorang dapat menguasai Bahasa Inggriss.
-   Mengaitkan jawaban siswa dengan materi yang akan dibahas.
-   Menanyakan tentang PR pertemuan sebelumnya dan meminta siswa mengumpulkannya.
b.      Kegiatan Inti (70’)
-   Memberikan contoh Teks Analytical Exposition.
-   Menjelaskan tentang Teks Analytical Exposition tersebut.
-   Menjelaskan langkah retorika teks Analytical Exposition tersebut.
-   Menjelaskan isi dari contoh teks Analytical exposition tersebut.
-   Membentuk siswa menjadi kelompok dimana 1 kelompok terdiri dari 2 siswa.
-   Meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan soal jumble word secara kelompok.
-   Membahasnya secara bersama-sama
-   Meminta siswa mengerjakan soal True False secara individu
-   Membahas soal secara bersama-sama.
-   Memanggil satu persatu siswa untuk menyebutkan nilai yang mereka peroleh setelah koreksi bersama.
c.       Penutup (10’)
-  Menanyakan tentang pemahaman siswa terhadap Analytical exposition
-  Meminta siswa mempelajari kembali di rumah materi yang telah diberikan.
-  Memberikan salam penutup.

E.     Sumber Belajar
a.       Internet

F.     Media Pembelajaran
a.       Handout

G.    Penilaian
Guru melakukan penilaian dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
  1. Teknik Penilaian : tugas kelompok dan tugas individu
  2. Bentuk Penilaian : tulis

Contoh Instrumen
·         Mengidentifikasi topik dari teks analytical exposition yang dibaca.

·         Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek Analytical exposition
Tes tulis

Tes tulis

Menjawab pertanyaan

Menjawab Pertanyaan
Lihat contoh

Lihat contoh

c. Instrumen Penelitian

Ø  Jumbled words
Complete the following text with suitable answer that provided!
Easy                Information                 Desk                Modern
       Secondly                     Shopping              Students
Laptop             Because                       Study

Students Need Laptop
        Conventionally,     1     need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
        First,     2      schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge     3     the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every students'     4    , this method will help student to get better understanding.
     5      , finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive      6     . The best is that the shop has service of online      7     . The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, then complete the transaction. After that the        8     will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really      9     and save time and money.
From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their     10    . Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provide several
laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need.

Ø  True False exercise
Decide whether the statement is TRUE ( T ) or FALSE ( F ) based on the Text above!
1.      ( T – F ) Students needn’t book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff.
2.      ( T – F ) Having mobile computer is absolutely unuseful for students who want to catch        the best result for their study
3.      ( T – F ) Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price
4.      ( T – F )  If there is a laptop on every students' desk, it will help student to get better       understanding
5.      ( T – F ) In this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive             development

  1. Rubrik Penilaian

Rubrik Penilaian
Bentuk Instrumen
Jumbled words
Jawaban benar
Jawaban salah
True False
Jawaban benar
Jawaban salah

  1. Pedoman Penilaian
Ø  Jumbled words
Jumlah skor maksimal per siswa : 10
Nilai siswa diperoleh dengan cara mengkali jumlah nilai perolehan dengan 1.
Misal Andri dan Vina mendapat nilai perolehan : 8
Maka nilainya : 8 x 1 = 8
Ø  True False
Jumlah skor maksimal per siswa : 5
Nilai siswa diperoleh dengan cara mengkali jumlah nilai perolehan dengan 2.
Misal Putri mendapat nilai perolehan : 4
Maka nilainya : 4 x 2 = 8

Comal, ………………….

Kepala Sekolah                                                                                   Guru Pamong

______________                                                                            ______________